biography music astrology fun/games musings

inventions, designs and ideas
Throughout his life Emmett has designed and brought to life many new inventions, concepts and ways of doing things. He's discovered a new way to play musical instruments, devised new ways to manufacture them, and introduced new ways to alter their sounds. But music is just one avenue for his innovative spirit. This desire to improve things stems from his own interest as a performer, builder and enthusiast, with the belief that improving things for himself as a passionate practitioner is the best way to advance art and understanding in general. Whether it's a new fret that makes tapping on strings easier, a new take on ancient concepts of Astrology, a new way to understand musical harmony, or an elongated grip for his tennis racquet, Emmett believes that by improving his own physical and intellectual tools he can help us to better enjoy our own lives and pursuits. Stay tuned to this section for articles about his ideas, process and experiences as an innovator and inventor...

Emmett talks playing method and instrument design,
a video encounter with Rocket Scientists

If you'd like to contribute something, please send an email to grace@stick.com