biography music innovation astrology fun/games

"On the Other Hand"
Emmett's blog and essays
Dec 25, 2013
A Christmas Missive
a letter to Bill Biersach, author of "Of MAry There Is Never Enough"

Feb 26, 2012
Favorite Pursuits
a perfect afternoon

Dec 12, 2011
Stop the World II
Save your Life or Spend it?

Dec 21, 2009
Music of One Sphere
Reflections from the man in the moon

Feb 1, 2008
Stop the World
Emmett engages in some wishful thinking

May 31, 2007
Shakespeare and Music
Connecting the Bard to the Board

Feb 26, 2007
Pope Benedict's New Symbols
For a contextual look at Benedict XVI, Emmett plays astrologer to The Pope

Feb 24, 2007
DNA Squared
Emmett explores memory and brain function...

Dec 23, 2006
Just a Sleigh Ride Away
Post to the STICKWIRE-L listserve

Oct 2, 2006
Happy Birthday to me
Emmett writes about his surprise 70th Birthday Party

June 12, 2005
Slaying the Monster
by Emmett Chapman

June 16, 2004
Gift of Life in the Waters
a new theory of origin by Emmett Chapman

April 20, 2004
Life is not Private Property
a theory of economics for a new epoch by Emmett Chapman
Your Letters
Your feedback about the site and stories are most welcome... letters

If you'd like to contribute something, please send an email to grace@stick.com